K&F Consulting Inc., a leader in providing e-discovery and computer forensic services, announces its Case Management System (CMS), a web based ESI review and hosting platform for use in complex litigations.
CMS’ simpler interface shortens a user’s learning curve while providing powerful navigation, analytical and review capability. Numerous productivity enhancing features like granular de-duplication, document and performance analytics, multi-document marking and non-linear review capability, to name a few, cut e-discovery costs and lead times.
“Besides the increased speed and reduced costs of review preparation, CMS helps us push the envelope for speed, cost and quality during the rest of the ESI review and litigation lifecycle including any forensic analysis,” says K&F Founder Gregory Fordham.
Those wanting to practice the current trend in cooperation and related cost reduction will find CMS’ multi-party capabilities as significant as its other cost and schedule saving features. While CMS can still produce documents the old fashioned way, its robust security and sophisticated coding features lets the parties exchange documents virtually.
Data owners can even release the same document with different redactions to different parties. “Tracking and management of those different document versions is just as sophisticated,” says Fordham.
For clients without a computerized document management system CMS will bolster their review, analytical and production capabilities as well as avoid the cost of software, processing hardware and related support systems like data storage, disaster recovery and help desk.
For clients already having a computerized document management system, CMS shortens the lead time for Early Case Assessment and Tier 1 document review as well as lowering the cost and time for those and subsequent efforts. Although CMS data can be migrated to the client’s system with a load file, clients may find CMS’ benefits and pricing model hard to beat.
About K&F Consulting Inc.
With offices located in metro Atlanta, GA and the Washington-Baltimore area, K&F Consulting services a nationwide clientele. Since 1991 the firm has provided a variety of e-discovery, computer forensic and damages quantification services. In addition, K&F founders have testified as expert witnesses in numerous state and federal cases involving e-discovery, computer forensics and damages quantification. For more information on K&F Consulting visit www.knfcon.com or call 1-800-335-1188.