National Geographic Magazine Marks the World’s 7 Billionth Person with New App for iPad

To coincide with the arrival of the world’s 7 billionth person, National Geographic magazine has collected all of its related population coverage across 2011 in an app for iPad, that is now available on the App Store through December 31. The app, “7 Billion: How your world will change,” explores the challenges — and potential solutions — for coping with a growing human population in a world of limited resources, with informative videos, interactive maps, in-depth articles and stunning photography. Features of the app include:

  • Population 7 Billion—National Geographic magazine’s senior environmental editor Robert Kunzig looks at overall demographic trends that shape the planet.
  • Enter the Age of Man—Elizabeth Kolbert explains the Anthropocene — a new geological era influenced primarily by human activity.
  • The Acid Sea—Elizabeth Kolbert takes a deep dive into how humans are impacting our oceans. Photos by David Liittschwager.
  • The Coming Storm—A case study by Don Belt shows how resourceful residents of Bangladesh are adapting to rising seas. Photos by Jonas Bendiksen.
  • Food Ark—Charles Siebert explains how preserving heirlooms seeds and breeds are crucial if we hope to feed our hungry world. Photos by Jim Richardson.
  • Birth of a New Brazil—Cynthia Gorney looks at how popular culture can quickly impact birth rate trends. Photos by John Stanmeyer.
  • Rift in Paradise—Robert Draper shows how Africa’s Albertine Rift is a stark example of the fundamental tensions between human needs and the natural world. Photos by Pascal Maitre and Joel Sartore.


Two videos from the series are available as embeddable files:

  • 7 Billion—An overview of trends that explain where we are today and what will influence our lives in the future.
  • Are You Typical?—A look at the world’s most typical person today and who it will be tomorrow (someone from India).


Robert Kunzig authored the first feature in the series “Population 7 Billion” and has overseen the rest of the coverage. He is available for commentary. For photos and more video, contact Anna Kukelhaus Dynan at or (202) 775-6717.

National Geographic magazine’s ‘7 Billion: How Your World Will Change’ App is available for free from the App Store on iPad or at The app is sponsored by DuPont. DuPont is responding to the dynamic needs of a growing population by collaborating with global partners to bring science-powered innovations that provide more and safer food, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and protect people and the environment.
