New Videos Discuss Mining Industry Dust Collection

Camfil Farr Air Pollution Control (APC) has posted two new videos on the topic of dust collection for the mining industry. “Anatomy of a Mining Dust Collector”, a 27-minute podcast that explores operational and maintenance concerns, emission control, and performance features to look for in a dust collector, may be viewed at A 3-minute introductory video on the challenges of controlling dust from mining equipment and Camfil Farr APC capabilities may be seen at

Both videos feature mining industry veteran David Stock, who serves as mining market manager for the company. Camfil Farr APC is a global manufacturer of dust collection equipment and is part of Camfil Farr, the largest air filter manufacturer in the world.

For general information in the U.S. and Canada, contact Camfil Farr APC at (800) 479-6801 or (870) 933-8048; e-mail; web For general information outside the U.S. and Canada, visit