B2Q Technologies® (www.b2qtech.com), maker of the B1 battery tester and a recognized innovator in battery testing and related software solutions, today unveiled a major update to the B2QScan battery test analysis application.
The B2QScan app allows smart devices such as the Apple iPhone and iPad to instantly capture test results from the B1 tester. This breakthrough approach to battery and system diagnostics leverages the computing power of smart devices and the internet to deliver a new level of accuracy, ease of use, and convenience to the industry.
The enhanced version of B2QScan adds the following major features:
- Optical Battery UPC/Barcode scan automatically imports battery test parameters;
- Optical Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) scan automatically imports vehicle make, model, year and associated data;
- Multiple language support
The optical UPC/barcode scanner automatically imports the correct test parameters for the particular battery model being tested. This eliminates the need for an operator to decipher a battery label and input the test settings manually, a process that is time consuming and subject to human error or manipulation. This industry-first feature not only saves time, but also increases test accuracy. Additionally, the UPC/barcode scan will import battery brand and model information. Adding this critical information to every test report enables a level of data analysis that has never before been available.
The optical VIN scan function allows the operator to quickly and seamlessly import vehicle details including make, model, year, and a unique serial number to the test report, adding another level of analytical potential for many users.
“The addition of optical scanning to our battery diagnostic solution increases accuracy, data quality, and is much faster compared to traditional battery testers, bringing the B1 closer to a ‘no-input’ complete test solution,” said Pete Rumsey, co-founder and vice president at B2Q Technologies. “By leveraging the optical scanning capability of smart devices, the technician can, without performing any data entry, quickly and accurately capture critical test information that was nearly impossible to capture in the past, while virtually eliminating user error.”
The B1 tester and the free B2QScan App for iPhone and iPad are available now globally. The B1 is available for $299 (USD) in the US and Canada through B2Q’s online store, and through B2Q distribution and dealer partners. The updated B2QScan app is already available on the Apple App store, and will be automatically updated with all future innovations automatically. An Android version of the application is planned soon.