GDS Supports Haitong International’s New IT Strategy to Migrate Two Data Centers Successfully

China’s leading data center service provider GDS and Haitong International, the largest security brokerage firm in Hong Kong, jointly held a press conference to announce GDS’ assistance in Haitong International’s smooth migration of the IT production center and disaster recovery center in order to support the rapid growth of its businesses. The migration of the two centers is an important part of Haitong International’s new IT strategy. Using its high-availability IT management system, GDS performed the concurrent relocation of the two data centers with no disruption of the operation. This was highly appreciated by Haitong International.

Haitong International is a wholly-owned subsidiary setup by Haitong Securities in July 2007. In 2010, Haitong Securities successfully acquired Taifook Securities. To enhance its competitiveness in Hong Kong’s financial market, Haitong International has been providing one-stop services through its IT platform and continuously undertakes IT innovations, enhancing IT security level and service capabilities. The migration of the two data centers supports the innovation initiatives as well as long term operation needs.

Mr. William Huang, CEO of GDS, pointed out that, “Haitong International’s relocation of its two data centers in support of its new IT strategy is yet another excellent case of GDS’ service to the financial industry. Throughout the past decade, GDS has provided high-availability IT services for more than 150 top financial institutions in Mainland China through its world-class data centers and ‘high-availability’ IT management services. We have effectively solved three major corporate IT challenges: overall availability of IT, increasing cost efficiency, and improving business continuity management. We handled the IT challenges to allow business to focus on innovations.”

Besides providing high-availability data centers and services for local enterprises, GDS is also extending its reach overseas. In recent years, GDS has continuously increased investment into Hong Kong market and has established operations centers in Hong Kong to support its business growth. As many Chinese financial institutions have already expanded their business overseas and are actively competing in the global market, GDS is expected to further expand its business in Greater China and hence Asia Pacific.

After the press conference, the President of the Chinese Financial Association of Hong Kong, Mr. Chen Shuang, CEO of Haitong International, Mr. Lin Yong, CEO of GDS Mr. William Huang and other guests from the industry attended the banquet and cocktail party, during which the current status of IT services in the financial industry and future development trends were discussed. William Huang expressed that “GDS is committed to provide high-availability solutions customized for Chinese financial institutions in Hong Kong, and these solutions have been very well-received by users.”

About GDS

Established in 2000, GDS Limited is a leading provider of high-availability IT services, based on world-class data center infrastructure, to customers with business-critical IT operations in Greater China. GDS provides consulting, integrated solutions, high-availability IT managed services, hosting services, and cloud computing. Major industry focus includes banking, securities, insurance, advanced manufacturing, logistics and internet industries. GDS operates 16 data centers in 6 major economic hubs in Greater China.