Industry Leader HyperGrid Debuts HyperForm for Microsoft Windows Server Containers

HyperGrid, the pioneer in creating and delivering the world’s first and only container based, application aware HyperConverged Infrastructure-as-a-Service (HCIaaS) solution today announced that HyperForm, their platform that provides next-generation IT services built on Docker containers, can now support the automated deployment and life-cycle management of applications running on Microsoft Windows Server Containers.

With support for Microsoft Windows Server Containers, the HyperForm platform now provides the following features:

  • Automated provisioning of Windows Server 2016 virtual machines (with pre-installed Docker & HyperForm Agent) on any cloud (including Microsoft Hyper-V and Microsoft Azure). Once the machines are provisioned, users can get access to a wide range of day-2 operations including:
    • Stopping or restarting the VM;
    • Accessing an in-browser terminal through a secure message queue for command line access;
    • Performing historical monitoring analysis based on metrics like CPU, Memory, and Disk Utilization;
    • Executing custom plug-ins using PowerShell scripts to make configuration updates or apply patches, and
    • Receiving alerts whenever the performance exceeds a pre-defined threshold or is stopped.
  • Automated building of Windows Container images for running Windows applications.
  • On-the-fly Containerization that allows users to deploy existing .NET applications on official base images like Microsoft/Windows Server Core and Microsoft/Nano Server while taking care of the complex application dependencies, service discovery, application storage automation and the post-provision updates.
  • Life-Cycle Management of applications running on Windows Containers with access to monitoring, alerts and notifications, continuous delivery using Jenkins, application backups, scale in/out, in-browser terminal to access the containers, log viewing, and container updates using custom plug-ins written in PowerShell.

“Containers have been the driving force behind efforts to accelerate software development and enable DevOps. With the General Availability of Windows Containers, .NET developers can finally reap the benefits of agility and application portability to speed up application development and deployment,” said Amjad Afanah, Vice President of Products, HyperGrid. “We’re excited to be delivering on-the-fly containerization and deployment automation for applications on Windows Containers to turbo charge DevOps and accelerate the journey of .NET applications to containers.”

To learn more about HyperGrid’s HyperForm for Microsoft Windows Server Containers solution, come visit us at booth #2024 at the Microsoft Ignite Show at the Georgia World Congress Center, September 26-30, 2016, Atlanta, GA. You can meet and speak with our container experts, the founders of DCHQ, Amjad Afanah and Intesar Mohammed.

About HyperGrid
HyperGrid delivers IT at the flip of a switch: A revolutionary new concept HyperConverged Infrastructure, HCI-as-a-Service (“HCIaaS”) is the industry’s first and only container-based application aware offering that brings the simplicity and ease-of-use of HCI together with a pay-as-you-consume pricing model that scales elastically. HCIaaS delivers “one-click” automated application deployment and management seamlessly across any cloud or container infrastructure. Enterprises can now enjoy all the benefits of the public cloud at better rates without fear of vendor lock-in. HCIaaS solves the key challenges of DevOps for Enterprises — allowing for both traditional and cloud-native applications to be containerized, managed and deployed with a single tool, dramatically simplifying IT and bridging the needs of both developers and IT operators. HyperGrid solutions unleash innovation for the Digital Enterprise. HyperGrid is headquartered in Mountain View, CA. and its products and services are available through a global network of value-added resellers and partners.